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Since 1966, the goodness rewards are also awarded, given to those people who have distinguished themselves for significant acts of generosity towards the dogs and in 2007, in order to stimulate the creativity of children and young people and encourage the relationship that ties young people to their four-legged friends, " Un cane per amico " was born. The contest was initially reserved for primary and secondary school students of the Metropolitan City of Genoa. Also take part in the competition the students from the Institute Comprehensive   "A.Casaroli" of Castel San Giovanni and Sarmato (Piacenza)  In 1981, on the occasion of the XX edition of the event, the monument dedicated to the dog was erected in the square in front of the Church. Since 2015, during the celebration of the Holy Mass, is blessed, only to be offered to the faithful, the bread of S. Rocco, coming from the Municipality of Sàrmato (Piacenza), where the tradition linked the blessing of the Saint's bread has ancient origins. .






Since 1966 goodness rewards have also been awarded,

conferred on those people who have distinguished

themselves for relevant proceedings of generosity

towards the dogs and in 2007, in order

to stimulate children's creativity and gods

guys and encourage the relationship that

ties young people to theirs four-legged friends,

"Un cane per amico " was born. The

contest was initially reserved for students

of primary schools e secondary

  of first degree of the City

Underground of Genova.

  Also the students from the Institute

 Comprehensive "A.Casaroli" of 

Castel San Giovanni and of 

Sarmato (Piacenza) take part 

in the competition.

 In 1981, in the occasion

of the XX edition of the

demonstration, in the square

in front the Church was erected on

dedicated monument to the dog.

Since 2015 during the celebration

  of the Holy Mass is blessed, only to be

offered to the faithful, the bread of St. Rocco, coming from the

  Municipality of Sàrmato (Piacenza) , where the tradition linked

the blessing of the Saint 's bread has ancient origins.

The idea of the "Premio Fedeltà del Cane" -

Dog Loyalty Award - was born in 1962.

A small dog, Pucci, abandoned by the owners, arrived in San Rocco

and immediately became fond of elementary school children.

He was waiting for them in the morning on the church square, there

accompanied to school where he waited for the hour

recreation and welcomed joyfully

the snack that the children offered him; then

went to hide a part that would be served for

the evening meal.  So every day,

for over ten years.

In memory of the little dog Mr.

Giacinto Crescini had the idea of

establish the prize, and talking

about it with the pastor of that time,

don Carlo Jacob, he managed to

make it happen concretely,

connecting the award at the

patronal feast of S. Rocco.

This has a particular

meaning because S. Rocco is the

protector of dogs . So it was born

the event and the committee

organizer set for August 16th

1962 the first award ceremony. The award,

born as a Regional, it became at first

National and subsequently International

and since then, every year, on August 16th, day

di S. Rocco, loyalty rewards are awarded .

The idea of the "Premio Fedeltà del Cane" was born in 1962. A dog, Pucci , abandoned by the owners, arrived in San Rocco and immediately became fond of elementary school children. He waited for them in the morning on the church square, accompanied them to school where he waited for the hour of recreation and joyfully welcomed the snack that the children offered him; then he went to hide a part that would be served for the evening meal. And so every day, for over ten years. In memory of the little dog, Mr. Giacinto Crescini had the idea of establish the prize, and talking about it with the parish priest of the time, don Carlo Giacobbe, he managed to make it happen concretely, linking the award to the patronal feast of S. Rocco. This has a particular meaning because S Rocco is the protector of dogs. The event was born and the organizing committee set the first award ceremony for August 16, 1962. The award, born as a Regional, became at first National and then International and since then, every year, on August 16, St. Rocco's day, loyalty prizes are awarded.

Historical images

Statue of the Saint in the Parish Church of

San Rocco di Camogli

"Grotto dear to S. Rocco in his talks with God"

in Sarmato (Piacenza)

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